FUZHOU MAIGELIN TRADE, founded in 2012, is a professional maker of packs and outdoor gear back. We are making under the brand of “mygreen”. We would like to bring green to your life; to bring convience to your journey; to accompany you discover the fun, freedom, and adventure.
This inspired us make great efforts to design a better pack. we will to do good, and do so. Now, we still keep doing good.
We design and make world-class products. For everyone. Everywhere.We adhere to make the high quality products. We’re dedicated to safe, eco-friendly, portable and elegant design.At mygreen, we continue to innovate and build functional gear that fits you and your life, and inspires your journey.
We make packs and outdoor gear to equip you for adventure and life, bring smiles to kids’ face, make conveience to kids life.
Our products are durable, functional, and versatile. We’ve got your pack,whatever you’re in a concert, go to class, or go for shopping.


Types of Bag Designs:Over 310 unique bag designs to meet diverse needs.


Monthly Production Capacity: Produce 20000 high - quality bags monthly.


Years of Experience: 30 years of expertise in the luggage industry.


Awards Won: Won 8 prestigious industry awards.


Email: 13960870123@163.com

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FUZHOU MAIGELIN TRADE, founded in 2012, is a professional maker of packs and outdoor gear back. We are making under the brand of “mygreen”. We would like to bring green to your life; to bring convience to your journey; to accompany you discover the fun, freedom, and adventure.
This inspired us make great efforts to design a better pack. we will to do good, and do so. Now, we still keep doing good.
We design and make world-class products. For everyone. Everywhere.We adhere to make the high quality products. We’re dedicated to safe, eco-friendly, portable and elegant design.At mygreen, we continue to innovate and build functional gear that fits you and your life, and inspires your journey.
We make packs and outdoor gear to equip you for adventure and life, bring smiles to kids’ face, make conveience to kids life.
Our products are durable, functional, and versatile. We’ve got your pack,whatever you’re in a concert, go to class, or go for shopping.

Contact Us

29th,Along the Street Juwei Village ,Yinxi Street Fuqing 350300 ,Fujian,CN


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